Ensure Best Safety of Food Products with Impact Resistance Testing of Plastic Films

Ensure Best Safety of Food Products with Impact Resistance Testing of Plastic Films

Plastic films are widely used for packaging a lot of different products across industries. One of the most prominent products that are packaged in plastic films includes the food products. The plastic films that are used for packaging food products need to be of bet quality as they are responsible for keeping the food fresh, healthy, and of best quality until they are consumed by the customers. In that case, the manufacturers of food products need to test the quality plastic films and their impact strength so that they could provide best protection to the food products packaging inside them.

When products are transported and stored, there are high chances that they have to bear heavy impacts from different sources that can puncture or rupture the plastic films. The manufacturers must test the plastic films for their impact resistance to ensure best strength of packaging. The Dart Impact tester is a testing that is prescribed by the international quality testing standards that is used for testing the impact resistance of plastic films when they are subject to heavy impact during transportation. The instrument used hemispherical darts with specific weights prescribed in the standards. The test specimen used for testing is clamped tightly in the holding clamps and the dart falls on the specimen from different height. The darts are held by an electromagnetic release mechanism to avoid any human error. After the test, the specimen is analysed for the damages and the impact resistance of the plastic film is estimated.

With the help of this instrument, the manufacturers can rest assured that they are using the best packaging materials for their products and their customers will get nothing but the best.

  • 12 Aug, 2021
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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