Procedure to Perform Cobb Sizing Test

Procedure to Perform Cobb Sizing Test

Cobb Sizing testerAny bundling material that is comprised of paper or mash has inclination to retain water. This lessens the strength of pressing, additionally, influences the substance stuffed inside. Prior to utilizing any material for bundling, it is essential to check its water absorbance and maintenance limit. Cobb esteem is resolved to survey the property of the material to assimilate water. This cobb esteem should be kept up to keep up the nature of the paper and CFBs. The test incorporates analyzing of the amount of water ingested in a specific timeframe by non-bibulous paper having a thickness of 0.1 mm.

How to Perform Cobb sizing Test?

  • Cobb sizing tester has a round steel stage with a steel chamber having plug at the base.
  • The example to be tested is removed from the material. Make sure the size of the example is bigger than size of steel stage. Presently gauge it to closest 0.1 gram.
  • Place a plug sheet on the stage and afterward place the example. The reason for having plug sheet is to evade any slippage of test.
  • Clamp the example firmly. Remember to put the stopper ring at the lower part of the chamber. This guarantee that there is no spillage of water during the test. This plug is water verification and doesn't affect on the properties of test in any capacity.
  • Pour water in the installation according to the necessity of the example (reference 10mm stamping and 25mm. stamping) for 100ml and 250ml individually and start your stopwatch right away.
  • Let the example inside the round and hollow ring for 120 seconds (if there should arise an occurrence of Paper) and 300 seconds (in the event of corrugated sheets)
  • If you notice any spillage, dispose of the test and test and begin once again.
  • The norms time-frame of 120 seconds on a solitary sheet utilizing 10 mL of water to wet are 1 cm profound. (Season of the test can likewise be changed according to the idea of the paper).
  • You may utilize stop watch for exact time perusing.
  • Drain out the water and eliminate the example from the stage cautiously.
  • There is a steel roller with the cobb sizing tester, that weighs around 10 kg. Utilize this roller to eliminate abundance water from the example.
  • On corrugated sheets, the roller is applied toward the path corresponding to woodwinds of the corrugated board.
  • After emptying out overabundance water, gauge the example.

Equation to Calculate COBB Value

Cobb Value = Weight of the example subsequent to testing – Weight of the example prior to testing

  • 27 Feb, 2021

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