Ensure Leak Integrity of Pharmaceutical Containers with Dye Ingress Way

Container Closures utilized in pharmaceutical industry are required to go about as a strong hindrance between the therapeutic substance inside and the defiled climate outside. Consequently, it is significant that the conclusion framework should satisfy all the quality measures.

Vacuum Leak TesterQuite possibly the most generally confronted quality issue is the helpless leak uprightness of the conclusion prompting passage of tainted air inside the compartment and ruining the sterility of the medication. For this situation, the medication may not play out the manner in which it is normal in restoring ailments in patients. Besides, if there should be an occurrence of receptive synthetics, leakage of inside substance in the creation line, stockpiling or travel can cause genuine occasions.

Because of this, Pharmaceutical containers are regularly tested to guarantee that the conclusion of the holder can keep a sterile boundary. Indeed, even the FDA suggests playing out a compartment conclusion trustworthiness (CCI) test in lieu of a sterility test as a piece of a strength testing convention.

Quality Testing Procedure

Answer for the above issue is conduction of a Leak Integrity test utilizing Dye entrance technique. The most appropriate hardware for the test would be Vacuum Leak tester – Prima Series. In the color entrance technique, tests are submerged in Methylene Blue color in a vacuum chamber and vacuum is applied to the headspace of the chamber for a pre-set time stretch. After the test, the containers are assessed outwardly or through spectrophotometry (favored technique) to notice for hints of blue color in the holder. Test tests demonstrating that the color has leaked inside the vials will bomb the respectability test and tests which don't contain color inside them will finish the assessment.

The Vacuum Leak Detection Tester is a profoundly progressed and exactness based Prima arrangement Model. Having HMI Touch Screen Display and programmed operational highlights, one can guarantee exactness with repeatability and take information securing for the different tests. It is equipped for testing the two Bottles/containers and other type of bundle. The testing medium can be either air or water (with or without color). It is a prestigious test instrument for exact and snappy leak testing for little to medium measured containers or bundles. It is prevalently utilized in pharmaceutical; industry.

Salient Features of Vacuum Leak Tester

  • HMI based Touchscreen Display for test observing and activity.
  • Microprocessor based innovation for repeatability and exactness in test results.
  • Meets USP 28 bundling practice detail.
  • Can be utilized with double test medium Air and Water.
  • Automated test testing through simple vacuum instrument.
  • Pass/Fail standards can be customized according to necessity.
  • In-house adjustment office accessible.
  • Program profiling should be possible by choosing test boundaries.
  • User can create item distinguishing proof, client name, vacuum hold time, set weight, and so forth
  • Graph of Pressure versus Time can be gotten to.
  • USB choice can be utilized for separating information.

Test Standards Followed

  • ASTM D 4991-07(2015) – Destructive Leak honesty test by vacuum strategy for void inflexible containers. Leaks are recognized under differential tension conditions.
  • ASTM F 2338-09(2013) – Non-damaging Detection of Leaks in Packages by Vacuum Decay Method.
  • ASTM D6653 - Test techniques for deciding the impacts of high elevation on bundling frameworks by vacuum strategy.
  • ASTM D5094 - Test techniques for net leakage of fluids from containers with strung or drag style terminations for inflexible and semi-unbending containers.
  • ASTM D3078 - Test Method for Determination of Leaks in Flexible Packaging by Bubble Emission
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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