Doesn’t matter how much the environmentalists scream to ban the use of plastic, we are still aware of the ground realities that sections are varying from small to bigger industries that will use plastic or poly bags for their customers. Although we have made positive amendments in our lifestyle by avoiding plastic or switching to natural and organic alternatives. But there are some practices which might never change like using plastic bags for keeping and disposing of waste material in the household, taking groceries or vegetables in them, even fabric and more. The Shopkeepers also offer plastic bags to their customers. Hence, the manufacturers must know that the market demand is still there and they still need to work on the quality marks of their product.
Plastic Bag Quality Test Defines Their Market Use
Plastic bags are the most used form of carrying bags in our nation. The rising demand for the manufacturers can build a challenge for them. To lead the line one must ensure the quality standards.
When we talk about carrying bags the best would be those who can carry a lot of stuff for a longer period. And when a bag is full of load the gravitational force pulls the load down and all the stretching force is applied to the holding strands of the polybag. So by testing the holding sections of the polybag we can know how much load a bag can take. This ability is termed its Tensile Strength.
How can we test the tensile strength of the polybag?
Tensile strength is the capacity of a material to stretch to its maximum before getting damaged. To test the tensile strength the manufacturer needs a standard based tester that can assure precise results. Pacorr brings a highly advanced Tensile Tester which can evaluate the real-time tensile or pulling strength of a material. The equipment contains two rigid clamps to hold both ends of the sample. The user can adjust the pulling force and time and easily begin with the test.
To test the polybag holding strands, take the sample to be tested. Cut the two holding strands uniformly and carefully. Place the strands in the tester and let the clamps hold it firmly from both ends. Once you set the values start the test. The value at which the sample begins deforming from its real Constitution is its tensile strength.
The equipment comes with an emergency manual switch-off feature so that at the time of any emergency the user can stop the test at any time. It gives inbuilt over travel and overload safety and ensures a smooth testing process. Vice type jaws to hold the sample tight.
The quality testing of poly bags makes sure that the product is applicable of carrying how much load and accordingly the manufacturer can categorise and price its products. Hence, tensile testing of poly bags is a must to match the quality criteria of markets.
Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.

Fair Exports Pvt. Ltd.