Informative Guide on Salt Spray Test/ Fog Test/ Corrosion Test

Salt Spray / Fog Test / Corrosion Test is the popular test method which is performed in multiple industries to test the corrosion resistance capability of the coatings and platings. It is performed on different coatings/platings to test the corrosive properties of different plating & coatings, applied on different metallic materials.

The materials that we can test using the Salt Spray test method are metallic, polymers, metals, and powder coated materials, etc. Coating / Paint / Varnish is provided on a material to provide corrosion protection for a specific period of time. The test can be performed using a standardized testing instrument called Salt Spray Chamber.

Continuing the discussion, in this blog we will discuss the testing machine in detail, its benefits and uses in different production verticals for different applications. Let’s dig in.

Everything you should know about Salt Spray Chamber

Salt fog test is a testing machine that creates a salt fog / corrosive environment inside a laboratory test machine to examine the shelf life of a plating/coating which is applied on a ferrous metal. After a certain time interval, the appearance of the plating starts changing. The changes on the plating can be observed either in the form of rust, other oxidants, or corrosion. It helps to access the shelf life of the coating. The test duration for the sample is defined on the basis of the corrosion resistance capability of the coating.

This means that if the sample will resist the corrosion properties, it will survive in different environmental conditions for a long time. If the sample will easily get corroded, it will not survive in the different environmental conditions for a long period of time.

Now the question arises which is the best salt spray chamber and how to choose that?

Well, Indian markets are flooded with an array of testing instruments. Irrespective of the fact that there are multiple manufacturers in the market, there is one renowned name that can help you get standardized testing machine without burning a hole in your pocket i.e. Pacorr Testing Instrument.

Pacorr is a leading manufacturer of high-quality testing machines that helps you test the quality of multiple materials and can fulfill the requirements of multiple applications.

Let’s discuss how Pacorr’s salt fog chamber is better than other products.

The Corrosion chamber is designed and fabricated by keeping certain things in mind such as:

  • Easy & User-friendly Control Panel: This will help you make the required settings easily to perform the salt spray test.
  • Spacious Test Chamber: The testing machine has a spacious test chamber where you can keep the samples and create artificial environmental conditions such as heat, moisture, fog, etc.
  • Big Transparent Canopy: The big transparent canopy helps to examine the testing process and impact of the process on the sample even when the test is going on.
  • Complies with National & International Test Standards: The testing machine is designed in compliance with a few nationals and international test standards such as ASTM B117.

Want to know more about the product? Contact Pacorr testing Instruments.

  • 11 Nov, 2022
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



Fair Exports Pvt. Ltd.
