Why perform the leak integrity test on Coffee Powder Sachets?

In this fast moving world, people are too busy and have less time to spend on eating food. Due to the shortage of time, they rely more on ready to eat / instant food stuff. Also, with the increasing demand of ready-to-consume food items, manufacturers in food industries need to ensure that the products they are manufacturing are of the best quality and it will reach the end customers in good and consumable condition.

In this segment, the most popular food items are coffee powder, milk powder, etc. These are the most selling dairy products that are consumed all across the world. These packets come with long shelf life and are manufactured in such a way that they don’t need to be refrigerated for long preservation. These packets come with high validation because it doesn’t have any moisture content inside. To ensure that the moisture content will not enter inside these packages, packaging plays a major role.

If you are working in a food industry, it is your responsibility to ensure that these products are packed in high-quality packaging. To ensure the quality of the packaging sachets, it is important to ensure that the leak integrity of the pouches is perfect.

If there is a small hole or puncture in such packaging, the moisture content will enter inside the packaging which can affect the quality of the products that are packed inside. Continuing the discussion, we will now discuss in detail about the effect of leakage on the packages and how to perform the leak integrity test on the sachets and pouches. Let’s dig in.

The major focus while manufacturing coffee or milk powder products is on the drying process of moisture content from the powder. This process significantly affects the shelf life of the powders. So, it is the duty of the manufacturer to protect the powder from moisture to preserve it for a long period of time. When the powder products gain moisture, they become lumpy. Also, the moisture content in the powders may lead to some drastic changes such as enzymatic reactions, structural transformation, oxidation, browning and many more depending on the availability of temperature and oxygen.

To avoid all such things, it is always important to test the quality of the packaging first before packaging any food product or milk product inside the packages. One such instrument which is used to test the leak integrity of the packaging is Pacorr’s Vacuum Leak Tester.

Vacuum Leak Tester for packaging is used to inspect any kind of leakage in the packaging sachets and pouches. The testing instrument is designed on various national and international test standards. The test is performed by placing the sample in a required amount of vacuum. Then a predefined amount of pressure is applied on the packages. The testing procedure helps you note the diameter of a leak, which eventually helps the manufacturers to change the quality of your product.

To know the technical specifications and features of the Vacuum Leak Detectors, kindly contact us at +91-8882149230 or write to us at [email protected].

  • 22 Sep, 2022
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Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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