Most Trusted Solution for Vacuum Leak Test in Flexible Packaging

The packaging industry has been using various types of material since its inception. Ranging from cardboard cartons, glass to highly versatile plastic packaging. However, the most popular or we can say the one that is earning the highest sales to date is the vertical of flexible packaging. With time, every manufacturer especially in the packaging sector believes that user comfort and outer appearance is the king and continuously works for the same. To deliver the maximum of user comfort today flexible packaging has been introduced. Though in demand, the material used for the same must undergo stringent quality assurance. This blog will introduce the most trusted solution that helps in the evaluation of vacuum leaks in flexible packaging and hence improve the sale figures.

What are vacuum leaks and why does it need a machine approach to test?

Vacuum leaks in flexible packaging are tiny holes that may or may not be visible to naked eyes. These holes may be a result of mishandling of products during the transport or even in storage. Also, during the production of flexible packages to have the perfect and required user-friendly shape they need to undergo lots of machine cutting and processing involving heat and pressure. If the raw material used is not strong enough it may lose its strength against tensile forces or vertical loads and that can result in the development of tiny little holes or also termed as vacuum leaks. the name vacuum leaks are derived in a way that these holes are a hindrance in the vacuum inside the packaging and through them, the inside packed content can leak out.

One may think why would anyone needs any advanced technology to point out the leak holes, they may conduct some physical testing and judge upon the same can categorize the material quality. But such kinds of tests are neither accepted worldwide nor on a bigger scale nor they can assure 100 per cent precision. This is why it's important that to examine the leak holes one must get precision-based testing equipment.

Vacuum leak tester by paccor is a one-stop solution for conducting a variety of vacuum leak tests for various forms of packaging material. The machine works on the calculation of the amount of disturbance created in a vacuum space. In this test, a pancake which is your sample is immersed in a tank or vessel of water. Water is used as underwater space is similar to vacuumed space. Now if the product has holes it will release air bubbles in the vacuum and creates a disturbance in the vacuum pressure. This change of pressure is instantly recorded and leads to a calculated and precise result of vacuum leaks present in the sample tested and hence proves its quality.

The vacuum leak testing instrument that can be used for inspection of flexible packaging bring hi-tech and advanced specifications like a wider range of test, a big size desiccator (vacuum space), an LED-backlit display screen and a soft-touch keypad for maximum user comfort.

It also comes with a USB port connection that can be used for connecting the machine with a Dot matrix printer for extracting testing data in a hard copy format. Equipped with a digital gauge that is highly precise and delivers 0.00 level accuracy. The vacuum range and hold time is programmable through software with a hold time of up to 999 Seconds. The model is built of high-grade stainless steel that ensures long-run performance and is fit to use in any kind of environment.

It comes with accessories like a Main Apparatus with a Vacuum Pump, Polycarbonate material Desiccator with a Connecting Cable to get it attached with the main apparatus and a detailed User Manual. A printer is also available but as per the client’s scope of services and their requirement.

  • 22 Mar, 2022
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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