Enhance Appearance of Furniture Color Testing It with Spectrophotometer

Enhance Appearance of Furniture Color Testing It with Spectrophotometer

Customers pay attention to wood colors when they shop for quality wood products. Manufacturers who create wood panelling, furniture, pool tables etc., must meet color specifications. Implementing color tolerance standards for each product is an important step towards repeatable results and increased customer satisfaction.

Portable SpectrophotometerThe customer expects a wood product that is about the same color as the display model they saw in a store or picture on an online catalog. Color is the direct impressions a customer will have of a wood product. The customer decides if a product is suitable or not based on color. A manufacturer must create each product in aline out of the same color wood.

The best way to assure repeatable colors in wood products manufacturing is by using an objective color quality control system. For each product, an acceptable range of colors is chosen. These colors are translated into numerical coordinates on a color scale such as the CIEL L*a*b system. After the wood is stained, quality control engineers scan it with Portable Spectrophotometer.
Sherlock Spectrophotometer determines the color of an object on an objective, numerical scale by observing reflected light. Engineers compare the number to the standard. Then they pass the colored wood into production and the incorrect colored wood is given back to be recoloured.

Measuring the color of wood with a spectrophotometer, it is important to note that the wood possesses color variation in its grain. There is an expected amount of variation and an inherent part of the product. A series of observations with the spectrophotometer application in areas of a base color, not the grain. Taking an average of the sample of base color gives accurate information of overall color. Various types of mineral and chemicals in soil, air and water in the tree’s environment influence the color of the wood. Other factors to affect the wood colors are natural stresses like droughts, fires, wind etc. So, trusting the species to create reliable color quality in wood products is not sufficient. The color quality must be evaluated at every stage using proper quantitative measurements.

Portable Spectrophotometer construction produces an average measurement which is based on built-in algorithms and delivers results with accuracy.

Pacorr has experience in providing wood color measurement solutions. The designing of the sophisticated color testing instrument for wood furniture suppliers and manufactures is carried forward by Pacorr. The highly efficient and standardised instruments adhere to various international standards. It is equipped with advanced features that reduce the work load.

  • 12 Feb, 2021
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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