Examine Strain Distribution in PET Preforms Using Polariscope

Examine Strain Distribution in PET Preforms Using Polariscope

Quality of products is one of the most important things that affect the buying decisions of the customers. Every customer nowadays demands for best quality of the products as they are willing any price for their products. The manufacturers of the products also understand that they need to provide only the best quality and defect free products to the customers so that they could build better trust in the brand name of their products and increase their brand value. This is why the manufacturers nowadays are taking every step to ensure a high level of quality assurance and quality control of the products.

Polariscope Strain ViewerOne of the most important things that contribute to the good or bad quality of the products is the type of packaging that is used for the product. The packaging of any product is very much responsible for its safety from any external forces or other factors such as the moisture and dust. If the packaging of a product is not chosen properly, then it can harm the product itself during the transit and handling. This is why the manufacturers of the products as well as the packaging materials must ensure that they keep a keen focus on the quality of the packaging materials that are used for packaging of products.

PET bottles are big part of the packaging materials that are used for packaging of materials such as drinks, food items, medicines and other pharmaceutical products. Now these PET bottles need to have enough strength and other abilities so that they are not harmed easily on exertion of any forces that may act upon on them during transit and handling. There are many different factors that can impact the quality and strength of the PET bottles and cause them to fail during handling or storage.

When it comes to the quality of the PET bottles, the first step for quality assurance of the PET bottles is to check the quality of the PET preforms. The PET preforms are the little tube like structures that are used for making the final PET bottles by the process of Blow molding. There are many quality flaws that if induced in the preforms, can cause the quality of the final PET bottles to diminish. One of the main quality defects that can be a very big reason of the PET bottles failures is the uneven strain distribution in the PET preforms that can degrade the quality of the PET bottles. The container preforms experience anxiety dispersion at the time of producing process. The method of blow forming uses the warming, blowing and cooling of the material. A minute change during the cooling and warming affect material distribution.At this moment the strain is distributed at the edges or at some specific point.

Due to this uneven distribution, the problem of misbalancing of the container, uneven jug surface and aggravation in the filling line due to which the jug tumbles down. The jug blasts under the outside weight. To assure a strategic distance from the situation, it is essential to perform the quality review to identify strains in the preform surface. The strain that is created must be identified using the standard of photo elasticity. It projects that a pillar will change its way of refractive record if the surface has created any pressure.

To examine the strain, two preform test methods are used. One is 90 degree and the other is 45 degree that represents exact strain examination under the standard layout. It is equipped with monochromatic light and sodium light hotspots to examine a wide range of imperfections. The samples having various shaded pictorials are observed and contrasted and the preform imperfection graph.

Polariscope Strain Viewer is an efficient strain viewer to help manufacturers in testing quality to confirm best quality products to the clients.

Pacorr Polariscope reference for preform defects is based on the rule that any change in the refractive index file is due to strain distribution and offers lower simplicity of the material.

Polariscope films come in various sizes and choices can be made as per the requirement of the client. Photo elastic stress analysis is a technique used for many years to detect stress distribution in Pet, Preform and Glass materials. Photo elasticity means the adjustment in the refractive list of material due to inconsistent strain distribution in the material. It an issue for the manufacturers of PET and glass items and this is a major flaw in the nature of the items.

Polariscope Strain Viewer is an inspection device to identify internal stresses in the glass, plastics, synthetic resins etc. It contains a light source and two crossed polarized lenses like Polaroid. The Polariscope light source is clamped under one lens and powered by batteries. The sample material is placed between the two Polariscope and seen through the lens opposite the light source lens. These instruments are manufactured in configurations that vary from standard portable units.

  • 02 Nov, 2020
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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