Identify Plastic Components Sustainability Under Freezing Conditions
Plastic is something that can be found everywhere in the modern world. Plastic is so extensively used in the industrial as well as the domestic applications that it is very hard to imagine a modern day world without the use of plastic. There are many different reasons why plastic has become more and more popular as an option as compared to other materials. The most important reasons for plastic being preferred over other materials is because of its cost effectiveness. As compared to materials such as wood, or metals, plastic comes in very cheap and it makes the production process more cost effective. In addition to that, the plastic is easily available and can be customised to any shape size or colour according to the requirements which is not the case with metals. The strength of the plastic can also be controlled by controlling its production process. The plastics are not easily affected by the chemical fumes and acids. This makes them a viable choice for use in the chemical industries. Also, the environmental factors also have very minimal impact on the quality of the plastics. Due to all these factors, plastic is one of the most preferred material when it comes to mass production of goods.
There are many different kinds of plastics used in the industries according to the requirements. There are thermosetting plastics and thermoplastics that have different properties and are ideal for use in different applications. Now when we are talking about plastics, we must understand that even a slightest change in the composition of the raw materials can be a cause of very drastic change in the properties final product. This is why the manufacturers of plastics and plastic products must ensure that they test the quality of the plastic products with great accuracy and precision so that they could ensure that they are providing the right materials and products to the customers. One of the most important aspects of quality is the impact of ambient factors such as ultra-low temperature that can cause the degradation of the plastic and decrease its strength. The manufacturers must study the behaviour of the plastics when they are subjected to ultralow deep freezing temperatures.
Plastic components must undergo severe testing modules during the manufacturing process with the help of precise and accurate testing instruments so that the testing data obtained from them is accurate and helps in better quality assurance and quality control of the products. . These testing methods are part of the quality assurance program. The surviving conditions that a plastic part may face when in full use must be checked. They ensure that the product is made to match the industry standards and does not fail in any situations. It is important to test that the sample can withstand various physical and chemical changes like heat deformation, testing tolerance for ultra-low temperatures and MFI testing.
Plastic components at the time of manufacturing must sustain to freezing temperature such as ice tray or components utilised in refrigerators and related stuff which are tested against ultra-low temperatures. Usually, plastic cannot sustain such temperature change and gets cracked or gets failed in a decreasing temperature. All the materials must be closely inspected under freezing conditions and it must be checked at what level it starts getting failed at a performance or create any physical change.
Pacorr offers Ultra Low Temperature Freezers that are very helpful in conducting reliable testing the behaviour of the plastic materials and products in deep freezing temperatures. The testing instrument is highly proficient test chamber that gives the ultra-low temperature for the user to test change on the sample material. The highly reliable tool helps the user to ascertain the actual work environment for the plastic product under test in freezing conditions.
Any chemical and physical change is detected with advanced sensors present in the chamber. The temperature of the chamber is controlled with the help of advanced PT-100 sensor to control the temperature. The accuracy of the test machine can be defined as the set temperature followed point to point. The cooling temperature within the cabinet is evenly spread at any time and surface location of the sample. Chance of error generation in the test process is reduced due to this.
To prevent loss of heat from the chamber walls, imported PUF insulation is facilitated with the machine. It also has CFC free refrigerants as well as efficient air cooling compressor. The condenser filters are washable and are fitted in the cabinet. Ultra-Low Deep Freezers consist of a fan that circulates air and is designed to provide uniform cooling temperature all over the chamber. It has a capacity of 95 litres and works within the temperature range of -10°C to -60°C. It has a lockable handle to prevent unauthorised access and opening door unnecessarily at the time of testing. The timer can record up to 9999 hrs. The material used for the outer body is mild steel and the inner body is made up of stainless steel which allows the instrument to operate for a longer time even in the harshest industrial working environments. Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers adheres to ASTM standards to provide world class privilege to its clients from all over the world. With the help of this instrument, the manufacturers can easily ensure that the quality of the plastic products they offer to the clients is capable of bearing even the lowest temperature that they might be subjected to.
Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.

Fair Exports Pvt. Ltd.