Secure the Packaged Products by Performing Vibration Test for Packaging

The packaged products tolerate a lot of external forces, pressures and impact during transportation, storage and handling. These pressures and forces damage the quality of the packaging and sometimes ruin the quality of the product which is packed inside. This is why manufacturers need to ensure the packaging they are using to ensure the quality of the product is best in terms of quality. This not only helps to deliver the goods appropriately to the end customers but also leads to many happy faces.

But, how can the quality of packaging be measured?

Well…There are many factors that affect the quality of the packaging during transportation and handling. These are compression forces, bursting forces, impact forces and more. A major problem with the packaging container that can badly impact the quality of the package and the product is the vibrations that are held during the transportation. Continuous vibration of the package during transportation can damage the edges of the container and can lead to breakage or spillage of the product.

What can be done to avoid the damages caused due to vibration during shipping?

To avoid this issue, manufacturers can test the integrity and strength of the packaging when they are subjected to continuous vibration using a testing machine known as a vibration table.

What is a vibration table and how does it work?

A vibration table is a testing instrument which is used widely by the manufacturers of packaging containers to analyze the ability of the containers to bear the vibrational forces that they face during transportation, handling, storage and packaging process. Using the testing machine, it is possible to ensure that the products packed in the packaging container will not be affected even after continuous vibrations and mishandling. The test is essential to perform for delicate or fragile products such as glassware, ceramic, and so on.

Continuing the discussion, let’s discuss in detail about the vibration test and how it works.

What is a package vibration test?

A vibration tester for packaging helps to create the artificial vibrations that the packages face during handling, transportation and shipping. If vibrations are continuous the packages might lose their integrity and can cause damage to the products that are packed inside. The vibration test helps here in ascertaining whether the package in which you have packed the products will sustain the vibrations during actual working conditions and keep the products safe.

How to perform the vibration test using the Vibration Testing Instrument?

Here is the standardized process that should be followed using vibration testing on packaging products.

  1. Put the packaged product on the vibration testing instrument.
  2. Set the number of rounds and duration from the digital panel for the particular application as mentioned in the book of standards.
  3. Start the vibration tester to produce the vibrations for the testing process.
  4. Once the test process is complete, examine the package visually
  5. Check the effect of vibration on the edges and corners of the package
  6. Check the inner products that are packed inside for damage.

To know more about the vibration table in detail, contact Pacorr Testing Instruments.

  • 01 Nov, 2022
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



Fair Exports Pvt. Ltd.
