Use Polariscope Strain Viewer to Verify Gemstone Authenticity

Use Polariscope Strain Viewer to Verify Gemstone Authenticity

Gemstones are precious and beautiful and therefore they are expensive. There are over 200 varieties of gemstones available in the market. It is important to examine them carefully before wearing them. The market is flooded with many duplicate gemstones which simulates genuine gemstone. It is impossible to judge them with unaided eyes.

Polariscope Strain ViewerVarious gemological tools and methods to identify signs of heat treatment, radiation treatment, beryllium treatment and fracture filling etc. Polariscope is the most efficient tool that permits to view the optic character of the gemstone. It makes gemstone identification more effective and reliable. Let’s understand how to identify gems through Polariscope.

There are thousands of minerals, rocks and gems all over the world having distinct features. Many scientists have made observation based analysis about using various instruments. Observations are gathered, analysed and tested.

Polariscope Strain Viewer is a device in gemology to test gems minerals with single refraction, double refraction, Poly-crystalline material. The Polariscope as the name suggests Polar-Scope shows that a method to see the gemstone from poles or axis using the scope. It is an optical device that can be used to analyse various colors of light that are transmitted by a gemstone. Polariscope consist of a light source and two crossed polarised lenses like Polaroid. It is used to determine both the optic character and the optic sign of a gemstone and the help to understand synthetic, glass or natural gemstone.

A Polariscope constitutes two lenses. One is on the top side known as Analyser. The other being at the bottom known as Polariser. There is a tinted plate above the Polariser. Stone is put on the Polariser and analyse through Analyser. Tint plate is used to rotate so that gems can be viewed by 360 degrees.

Method to test the gems are:

  • Turn the analyser and verify if there is complete darkness
  • Keep the gem on the Polariser
  • Turn the tinted plate at 360 degrees
  • Keep a note of the light refraction spectrum on gems

Method to test for further confirmation is:

  • Turn the analyser and verify if there is complete darkness
  • Place the gem on the Polariser
  • Keep the gem in full light condition
  • Quickly turn the analyser one time and view the final condition of light on a gem

Pacorr’s Polariscope needs certain measures to be taken care of to increase its durability.

  • Switch off the power of the device when it is not used.
  • Avoid touching screen and wipe off the dust using a cloth
  • Covet it when not in use
  • Store in the ideal place
  • 21 Dec, 2020
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