Test The Vibration Strength Of Packaging Containers

Packaging boxes/containers are widely used in many manufacturing industries to pack a wide variety of products. These are considered as the best mode of packaging as they are solid and highly protective in nature. It is safe to pack your products in packaging boxes to save them from jerks, powers and so on.

In any case, to guarantee the safety of the products until it reaches the end customers, it is the duty of the distributors to hand over the products safety to the consumers. To ensure that the products are perfectly sheltered, it is important to test the quality of the packaging boxes as well.

One of the major properties of the packaging boxes is its vibration strength. If the packaging product can withstand the street jerks and vibrations during transit, it can safeguard the quality of the product as well. To test the nature of the boxes against street jerks and yanks, the packaging must be directly tested through vibration testing instruments.

The major purpose of performing the vibration test for packaging is to examine the street value of the packages. This helps the manufacturers to check if the packaging container can assure the security of the items that are kept inside or not. This can be assured of if the packaging containers go through a proper testing procedure using a vibration table. The testing machine is used to check if the product can experience a predefined measure of vibrations at the time of transportation or not.

For instance, if a sample is kept on a vibration table and set to tolerate 40 rounds of vibration during the transit then the package can easily withstand more than 40 rounds of vibration. If any kind of rupture or leakage is found in the container during the testing process, it means the quality of the packaging product is not up to the mark. Manufacturers need to take some quality assurance methods to enhance the quality of the packaging to make it compatible with the required application.

Construction of Vibration Table

The vibration table is equipped with a square shaped platform along with a railing on all the four sides. The railing is provided so that the sample will not fall down off the testing device when undergoing several rounds of vibrations during the test. If such a thing happens, it will affect the test results and you would be required to perform the test again.

The Vibration Testing Instrument is designed in such a manner that it will produce accurate and genuine shocks and vibrations. The capacity and structure of the machine is designed in compliance with various national and international standards such as TAPPI T-17, ASTM D999, and IS 7028 (part II). The base place or the specimen holder plate is made solid and tough so it can hold any size of the sample.

For detailed information on the Vibration Table, contact Pacorr.

  • 08 Sep, 2022
What People Say

Thanks to Pacorr Testing instruments, we have all the required quality testing instruments that have helped us to ensure the best quality delivered to our clients.



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