
Colour Matching Cabinet (CMC) is a popularly used colour assessment tool that can standardize and ensure the appearance quality is precise under different source light.  The cabinet is equipped with 5 different sources of standard-based lights which covers the global illumination standards. It is specifically designed as per international grade and brings features that ensure high accuracy in test procedures for a wide variety of products. The material tested with CMC is globally acclaimed for its colour quality.



Model : PCCMC-1
Aspect Detail
Purpose Ensures colour consistency and quality across various lighting conditions.
Industries Paint, Coating, Textile, Plastics, Packaging, Automotive, and more.
Key Features Equipped with multiple light sources (D65, INCAA, TL84, Ultraviolet, CNF) for diverse conditions.
Compliance Designed per international standards for high accuracy in testing procedures.
Usage Vital for evaluating colour appearance quality to maintain brand reputation and customer trust.
Construction Offers models in wood or steel, providing durability in industrial environments.
Innovation Includes imported hour meters for test duration and adjustable angular platforms for precise viewing.


The Colour Matching Cabinet (CMC) has become an indispensable tool across a wide range of industries seeking to achieve colour consistency and quality in their products. This comprehensive guide will delve into the importance, features, and applications of the Colour Matching Cabinet, leveraging insights from Pacorr.com, a leading provider of these innovative solutions.

Why Colour Consistency Matters
In the dynamic world of manufacturing, the first impression a product makes is often its colour. This visual aspect plays a crucial role in consumer perception and brand identity. However, ensuring that a product retains its intended colour across different lighting conditions is a challenge, given the phenomenon of metamerism—where colours appear differently under varying light sources. The Colour Matching Cabinet addresses this issue head-on, offering a standardized environment to assess colour quality and consistency accurately.

Key Features and Specifications
The CMC is designed with versatility and precision in mind, featuring multiple light sources to mimic real-life lighting conditions. These include artificial daylight (D65), tungsten filament (TFL), point of sale light (TL84), ultraviolet (UVB), and cool white fluorescent (CWF) light, aligning with international lighting standards. This diverse range ensures that any product tested under these conditions will display consistent colours, irrespective of the geographic location of the end-user.

Applications Across Industries
From textiles and plastics to automotive and food industries, the Colour Matching Cabinet plays a pivotal role in quality control processes. Its ability to replicate different lighting conditions makes it invaluable for ensuring that products maintain their aesthetic appeal and meet the stringent standards of global markets. Particularly in industries like automotive paint manufacturing, where colour consistency can significantly impact brand perception and customer satisfaction, the CMC provides a reliable solution for maintaining uniformity and quality.

Revolutionizing Quality Control
By enabling manufacturers to identify and correct potential colour discrepancies before products reach the market, the Colour Matching Cabinet helps protect and enhance brand reputation. Consistent product appearance builds consumer trust and loyalty, essential components for success in competitive markets.

Customization and Innovation
Manufacturers like Pacorr.com offer CMC models that cater to specific industry needs, with options for wood or steel construction to withstand challenging industrial environments. The inclusion of features like imported hour meters and specially designed angular platforms exemplifies the innovation driving the evolution of these testing solutions, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of quality control technology.

The Colour Matching Cabinet is more than just a testing instrument; it's a critical asset for industries committed to delivering products of unmatched colour quality and consistency. As market demands evolve and the importance of visual appeal continues to rise, the CMC stands out as a key tool in the quest for perfection, driving forward the standards of quality control across the globe.

The colour matching cabinet is a high-quality superior performance colour assessment machine. It comes with distinct light sources that mimic various kinds of real-life lighting conditions. When observed under such standard illumination, the user can ensure that one specific colour remains the same. The machine is well-equipped with light sources like D65, INCAA, TL84, Ultraviolet, and CNF. All these light sources are specifically designed to match the real-life different lighting conditions. The illuminations are designed as per internationally acclaimed standards so that any product tested at any location will make no difference at a worldwide level.

Colours have a predominant role in a broad spectrum of industries, be it paint, coating, textile, plastic, packaging etc. Colours make the first appearance of the product and help in establishing the primary link or bond to the customer. However, it is of vital importance that the appearance of colour remains consistent under different light sources.

Light again plays an important part in deciding the consistency in colour appearance. We humans see the world as the light reflected on the product shows us, which is called the law of reflection but when the quality of colour is poor enough it reflects in different ways under distinct illumination sources. For an instance, a red colour bag if not held a good quality may appear orange under another light source, also sometimes the colour differs in day and night light.

  • Model: PCCMC-1
  • Equipped with light sources like D 65 - Artificial daylight, TFL -Tungsten Filament, TL – 84 Light-Point of Sale, UVB Light-Ultra Violet, and CWF Light-Cool White Fluorescent
  • Imported hour meter to calculate test duration
  • The angle of viewing booth – 45 Degree
  • Viewing Booth Material – Wood or Steel
  • Time Totalizer – Up to 99999.9 hours
  • The tester is manufactured strictly as per ASTM standards to deliver precision-based test results
  • Highly easy and portable in nature
  • The variable size of the specimen can be tested
  • Can be used in labs as well as the production line
  • 5 Light sources designed as per CIE International Standards

A Colour Matching Cabinet (CMC) is a specialized testing equipment used to evaluate the colour consistency and quality of materials under various lighting conditions. It simulates different lighting environments to ensure that the colour of the product remains uniform across different light sources, thereby helping in maintaining colour consistency and quality in products.

The Colour Matching Cabinet works by providing a controlled environment where products can be viewed under multiple standardized light sources. These light sources mimic different lighting conditions, including daylight, store light, home light, and ultraviolet light, to test the product's colour fidelity. This helps in identifying any discrepancies in colour consistency across different lighting conditions.

Various industries can benefit from using a Colour Matching Cabinet, including textiles, plastics, paints, automotive, packaging, and food industries. Any sector that requires precise colour matching and consistency across their products can utilize these cabinets to ensure their products meet the desired standards and customer expectations.

Yes, manufacturers like Pacorr offer customization options for Colour Matching Cabinets to meet specific industry requirements. These can include different configurations of light sources, construction materials (wood or steel), and additional features like imported hour meters and angular viewing platforms, ensuring the cabinet is tailored to provide the most accurate colour assessment for specific products.

The light sources commonly used in a Colour Matching Cabinet include D65 (artificial daylight), TL84 (point of sale), CWF (cool white fluorescent), UV (ultraviolet light), and A (incandescent light). These light sources are crucial because they simulate different lighting conditions under which the product might be viewed by consumers. By testing the product under these standardized lights, manufacturers can ensure that the product's colour appears consistent and accurate in various environments, thus maintaining quality and customer satisfaction.


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